Media Integration Settings
Media Text Customization
You can Customize media text that appears as you wish
- You can add or remove variables from "Customize Media Output Text" (include them in {})
- You can click the buttons to the right of the text box to automatically add common/useful variables
General Song Variables
Variable | Description |
{spotifySymbol} | Uses your KAT emoji sheet. Only for KAT output |
{spotifyVolume} | The current volume percent of your music (Spotify API only) |
{title} | The title of your current song |
{artist} | The artist of your current song |
{allArtists} | shows all the artists for the current song |
{albumArtist} | shows the album artis for the current song (may not always work for windows media) |
{album} | shows the name of the current album |
{source} | The source of your current song (Windows Media Mode) |
{pause} | Show a emoji for whether the current song is paused or playing |
{progressMinutes} | Shows the progress of the current song. This feature may not work properly with windows media mode. |
{durationMinutes} | Shows the duration of the current song. This feature may not work properly with windows media mode. |
{progressHours} | Shows the progress of the current song. Allows for showing hours place. This feature may not work properly with windows media mode. |
{durationHours} | Shows the duration of the current song. Allows for showing hours place. This feature may not work properly with windows media mode. |
{counter(num)} | (num) can be a number 1-6 and corresponds to that counter in the VRChat Listener tab |
{time} | will only be displayed with shader based output like KAT |
{nline} | create newline using the the Unicode 'LINE SEPARATOR' (U+2028) character:
{progressBar E:◯ L:13} | You can adjust the emoji E to be any character or string of characters (no spaces) and the length L to be any int |
Heart Rate Variables
These variables require enabling your heartrate
Variable | Description |
{bpm} | Your current heart rate |
{bpmStats} | Shows if your heartrate is going up or down |
{HREmoji (BPM: 0 E: 💀 )(BPM: 40-59 E: 💔 )} | Where BPM can be a single value or a range of values (seperated by a dash) and E which stands for emoji but can be any text you want. You can have as many sections in parentheses as you want |
Controller and Tracker Battery Life Variables
These variables require OSC Listener Setup and work with XSOverlay or OVR Toolkit
Variable | Description |
{averageTrackerBattery} | Your trackers average battery life |
{leftControllerBattery} | Your left controllers battery life |
{rightControllerBattery} | Your right controllers battery life |
{averageControllerBattery} | Your controllers average battery life |
{HMDBattery} | Your headsets current battery life |
{TCharge} | lightning bolt emoji if tracker is charging |
{RCharge} | lightning bolt emoji if right controller charging |
{LCharge} | lightning bolt emoji if left controller charging |
{AVGCharge} | lightning bolt emoji if either controllers are charging |
{HMDCharge} | lightning bolt emoji if your headset is charging |
Additional Customization
Try out different unicode characters to customize your output further.
Update Interval (ms)
- The interval that text outputs on it can not be less than 1500 ms (1.5 seconds)
Output Continuously (On Update Interval)
- Have text stay indefinitly by outputting it continuously
- Text stays above head "forever"
Stop Output While Paused
- Text will not output if it paused
- Can be used with continuous output to prevent the song from output based on it's paused state
Output Spam Log
- Whether the output prints to the log or not
- Save the above settings as a preset that can even be exported and sent to others