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Media Integration Settings


Media Text Customization

You can Customize media text that appears as you wish

  • You can add or remove variables from "Customize Media Output Text" (include them in {})
  • You can click the buttons to the right of the text box to automatically add common/useful variables

General Song Variables

{spotifySymbol}Uses your KAT emoji sheet. Only for KAT output
{spotifyVolume}The current volume percent of your music (Spotify API only)
{title}The title of your current song
{artist}The artist of your current song
{allArtists}shows all the artists for the current song
{albumArtist}shows the album artis for the current song (may not always work for windows media)
{album}shows the name of the current album
{source}The source of your current song (Windows Media Mode)
{pause}Show a emoji for whether the current song is paused or playing
{progressMinutes}Shows the progress of the current song. This feature may not work properly with windows media mode.
{durationMinutes}Shows the duration of the current song. This feature may not work properly with windows media mode.
{progressHours} Shows the progress of the current song. Allows for showing hours place. This feature may not work properly with windows media mode.
{durationHours}Shows the duration of the current song. Allows for showing hours place. This feature may not work properly with windows media mode.
{counter(num)}(num) can be a number 1-6 and corresponds to that counter in the VRChat Listener tab
{time}will only be displayed with shader based output like KAT
{nline}create newline using the the Unicode 'LINE SEPARATOR' (U+2028) character:
{progressBar E:◯ L:13}You can adjust the emoji E to be any character or string of characters (no spaces) and the length L to be any int

Heart Rate Variables

These variables require enabling your heartrate

{bpm}Your current heart rate
{bpmStats}Shows if your heartrate is going up or down
{HREmoji (BPM: 0 E: 💀 )(BPM: 40-59 E: 💔 )}Where BPM can be a single value or a range of values (seperated by a dash) and E which stands for emoji but can be any text you want. You can have as many sections in parentheses as you want

Controller and Tracker Battery Life Variables

These variables require OSC Listener Setup and work with XSOverlay or OVR Toolkit

{averageTrackerBattery}Your trackers average battery life
{leftControllerBattery}Your left controllers battery life
{rightControllerBattery}Your right controllers battery life
{averageControllerBattery}Your controllers average battery life
{HMDBattery}Your headsets current battery life
{TCharge}lightning bolt emoji if tracker is charging
{RCharge}lightning bolt emoji if right controller charging
{LCharge}lightning bolt emoji if left controller charging
{AVGCharge}lightning bolt emoji if either controllers are charging
{HMDCharge}lightning bolt emoji if your headset is charging

Additional Customization

Try out different unicode characters to customize your output further.


Update Interval (ms)

  • The interval that text outputs on it can not be less than 1500 ms (1.5 seconds)

Output Continuously (On Update Interval)

  • Have text stay indefinitly by outputting it continuously
  • Text stays above head "forever"

Stop Output While Paused

  • Text will not output if it paused
  • Can be used with continuous output to prevent the song from output based on it's paused state

Output Spam Log

  • Whether the output prints to the log or not


  • Save the above settings as a preset that can even be exported and sent to others