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Tracker Battery Life

How to connect XSOverlay battery life OSC data (DOES NOT SUPPORT QUEST BATTERY LIFE)

Option to show battery life of Controllers (not for quest controllers) and tracker battery life.


  • Battery Updates appear in the log and can be shown with the Spotify Song Output Text feature

  • Media Integration Text Variables

    {averageTrackerBattery}  // OSC address: /avatar/parameters/averageTrackerBattery
    {leftControllerBattery} // OSC address: /avatar/parameters/leftControllerBattery
    {rightControllerBattery} // OSC address: /avatar/parameters/rightControllerBattery
    {averageControllerBattery} // OSC address: /avatar/parameters/averageControllerBattery
    {TCharge} // lightning bolt emoji if tracker is charging
    {RCharge} // lightning bolt emoji if right controller charging
    {LCharge} // lightning bolt emoji if left controller charging
    {AVGCharge} // lightning bolt emoji if either controller avg charging

Change the port that XSOverlay sends to from VRChat (9000) to TTS Voice Wizard (4026)

  • If you don't know what you are doing please don't change TTS Voice Wizard's port from 4026
  • Most people INCORRECTLY change TTS Voice Wizard's OSC Listener Receive port to 9000, which is what you should not do!
  • You want to change the external application (HRToVRChat or XSOverlay) to 4026 from 9000 so it sends to TTS Voice Wizard instead of VRChat

image image

  • Press the Activate OSC Listener Button image
  • That's it, now when you have XSOverlay open it will send OSC messages to TTS Voice Wizard. To have the messages appear in-game this feature must be used in conjunction with the Spotify Integration feature.

How to connect Quest Battery Life Data

  • Download an app to allow you to send Quest Battery Life Over OSC. Recommended Apps:
Quest2-TTSVoiceWizardQuest2-TTSVoiceWizard is a modified version of Sergey004/Quest2-VRC
quest2-battery-to-vrchat-oscJavaScript implementation created by NekoSuneVR
{HMDBattery} //Send to TTS Voice Wizard as a float from address: /avatar/parameters/HMDBat
{leftControllerBattery} //Send to TTS Voice Wizard as a float from address: /avatar/parameters/leftControllerBattery
{rightControllerBattery} //Send to TTS Voice Wizard as a float from address: /avatar/parameters/rightControllerBattery
{averageControllerBattery} //Send to TTS Voice Wizard as a float from address: /avatar/parameters/averageControllerBattery

Battery Life Example Images

image Quest controller battery life is not supported with XSOverlay as shown in this image using a Quest 2


VRChat_2022-10-02_18-12-00 442_1920x1080